Indian currency symbol || भारतीय रुपया चिह्न (₹) Rupees Symbol

Indian currency symbol || भारतीय रुपया चिह्न (₹) Rupees Symbol

To write the Indian Rupee symbol (₹) in Microsoft Word, you can follow these steps:

1. Method 1: Using the Keyboard Shortcut (Windows only)

   - Make sure your keyboard has a numeric keypad.
   - Press and hold the `Alt` key on your keyboard.
   - While holding `Alt`, type the Unicode value for the Rupee symbol: 8360
   - Release the `Alt` key, and the ₹ symbol should appear.

2. Method 2: Using the Insert Symbol feature (Windows and macOS)

   - Open Microsoft Word.
   - Place the cursor where you want to insert the Rupee symbol.
   - Go to the "Insert" tab in the top menu.
   - Look for the "Symbol" group on the right side of the ribbon.
   - Click on the "Symbol" button (it may have a dropdown arrow) to open the symbol menu.
   - From the dropdown menu, select "More Symbols."
   - In the "Symbol" dialog box, make sure "Unicode (hex)" is selected in the "From" dropdown.
   - Scroll down or use the search bar to find the Indian Rupee symbol (₹) with the Unicode value 20B9.
   - Select the symbol and click the "Insert" button.
   - Close the dialog box.

3. Method 3: Using AutoCorrect (Windows and macOS)

   - Open Microsoft Word.
   - Go to the "File" menu and choose "Options" (Windows) or "Preferences" (macOS).
   - In the Word Options (Windows) or Word Preferences (macOS) window, find the "Proofing" or "AutoCorrect" option.
   - In the AutoCorrect window, you should see a list of entries and their replacements.
   - In the "Replace" box, type a unique sequence like "Rs" (without quotes).
   - In the "With" box, paste the Rupee symbol (₹). You can copy it from a web page or use the Insert Symbol method described above.
   - Click the "Add" or "OK" button to save the AutoCorrect entry.

Now, whenever you type the sequence you defined (e.g., "Rs"), Microsoft Word will automatically replace it with the Indian Rupee symbol (₹).

भारत सरकार ने भारतीय रुपये के लिये एक चिह्न निर्माण हेतु ५ मार्च २००९ को  एक प्रतियोगिता की घोषणा की। इसके अन्तर्गत सरकार को हज़ार से अधिक आवेदन प्राप्त हुए थे।उदय कुमार द्वारा निर्मित चिह्न चुना गया
 इस सिंबल को वर्ड की फाइल में ऐड करने या टाइप करने के लिए निम्नलिखित स्टेप को फ़ॉलो करें 

1.You can use side Alt key or Alt Gr + ₹ symbol if it is showing on your keypad.

2. Press Ctrl + Alt + ₹. 

3. Type 20B9 then press Alt+X

In Microsoft Word 2007, you can write the Indian Rupee symbol (₹) using Method 1 or Method 2 from the previous response. Here's a step-by-step guide for both methods:

Method 2: Using the Insert Symbol feature

1. Open Microsoft Word 2007.

2. Place the cursor where you want to insert the Rupee symbol.

3. Go to the "Insert" tab in the top menu.

4. Look for the "Symbol" group on the right side of the ribbon.

5. Click on the "Symbol" button (it may have a dropdown arrow) to open the symbol menu.

6. From the dropdown menu, select "More Symbols."

7. In the "Symbol" dialog box, make sure "Unicode (hex)" is selected in the "From" dropdown.

8. Scroll down or use the search bar to find the Indian Rupee symbol (₹) with the Unicode value 20B9.

9. Select the symbol and click the "Insert" button.

10. Close the dialog box.

Note: Method 3 (Using AutoCorrect) might not be available in Word 2007. It was introduced in later versions of Microsoft Word.

With these methods, you should be able to insert the Indian Rupee symbol (₹) into your Microsoft Word 2007 documents.

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